4 Reasons Why the Body Comparison Game Will Make You Unhappy and How to Stop

Body comparison can negatively impact self-worth and cause dissatisfaction, unworthiness, and increased stress and anxiety. Acknowledging this habit and removing triggers can foster gratitude and self-esteem. Joining a supportive community like Aligned & Nourished offers guidance towards body positivity and healthier self-perception.

You might not even realize you are doing it, and the next thing you know you are feeling less-than in comparison to the beautiful body before you. Whether you are a man or a woman, humans like to compare their bodies to those around them, which is completely normal and isn’t really a problem until we start to place value on the comparisons we make.

While it’s totally human nature to compare ourselves to others, comparing our bodies has been shown to have a negative impact on the way we view our own and our overall wellness.

For years, I compared my body to everyone else’s, AND for years my worth was attached to how I viewed my body. I hated my body. By comparison, mine was bigger, thicker, and not picture perfect like the ones I saw in magazines (Cosmo anyone?) I knew where every bulge, dimple, and roll was and I absolutely despised every flaw I could find.

Somewhere along the way I began to attach my worth to my body. And let me tell you, with the flaws I found, my worth was lower than low.

“Comparison is the thief of Joy.”

Theodore Roosevelt

If you know that you are playing the body comparison game, here’s four reasons why it will ultimately make you unhappy:

You start to feel dissatisfied with your body image

While comparing your body to someone who has a similar body type to yours may have a positive or comforting effect, comparing your body to a body type that is completely different from your own can leave you feeling dissatisfied with the way you view your body. Oftentimes we begin to wish for certain characteristics we see in others or think “If only I looked like that I would be happy.” This comparison game can also prompt you to fixate on your body’s perceived “flaws”. This focus on appearance leads to feeling dissatisfied and having a negative body image.

You begin to feel like you are “not enough”

Once you have begun to fixate on all your flaws, you will start to feel like you are simply not enough. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not muscular enough, not sexy enough, not good enough. Not Enough = Not Worthy. People who feel they are unworthy tend to not have boundaries when it comes to love and relationships. They also don’t feel like they are worthy of trying to make changes or improvements.

You may have an increase in stress and anxiety

With a shaky body image and feeling unworthy, self-esteem begins its quick descent. It’s no wonder that comparing your body to others can increase your feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. While it is true that some comparisons can be positive and influential, comparing our bodies tends to destroy our self-esteem and mental health.

You lose appreciation for your own body

When we worship the bodies of others for being thin, muscular, petite, or whatever, we lose appreciation for our own physical body and what it can do for us. Focusing on the physical appearance of our body seems to make us forget why we even have a body. Our bodies are not ornaments to look pretty, they are instruments that are made to do great things!

How to Stop Comparing Your Body to Others

Become aware

The first step to changing this habit is to become aware of when you tend to compare your body. If you find that it seems to happen without you realizing it, it is time to become aware of when it is actually happening.

Remove triggers

Once you’re aware you can remove what you notice triggers you. Maybe following certain social media accounts or reading workout magazines trigger you to compare yourself to others.

Give gratitude for your body

Expressing gratitude for your body is a great first step to loving your body. Giving your body the love and appreciation it deserves will help raise your self-esteem. Studies have shown that having a higher self-esteem when comparing yourself to others has a less negative impact.

Join Aligned & Nourished

Find a supportive community and wellness coach to support and guide you to making a radical change to how you view, love, and trust your body. 

If you are ready to ditch the diet, love your body, make stress-free food choices, and feel true health and wellness, join my self-paced, 8-module workshop, Aligned & Nourished. We meet once a week for a live group coaching call in addition to the workshop materials! Send me a message for more details.

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I’m Nicole! A Nutritionist with a BS in Nutrition & Dietetics, Certified Life Coach specializing in mindfulness and the law of attraction, and a Certified Meditation Coach.

I take a no-diet, holistic approach towards nutrition by fusing functional nutrition methods with intuitive and mindful eating practices and principles. I guide and teach my clients to love their body, make strategic and lasting behavioral changes, and reach their optimum health and their body’s natural weight WITHOUT diets. 

Want to know why I will never prescribe a diet to any of my clients? Read The Scary Truth About Dieting.

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